Sunday 18 January 2009

Sunday on Sky

I don't know why I do it because I just get increasingly would up. I'm talking about Sky's coverage of football. Not the camera work, the technical side, not even the commentary, all of which is excellent. It's just the Richard Keys, Andy Gray hyperbole and the pointless ex-pros who sit there every game, pontificating about nothing whilst having their egos fluffed up by Dickie et al.

15 minutes of the Tottenham game and I had to switch off. David Nugent was bearing down on goal and Andy Gray chimed in with "go on son - see what its like to score in the big time". Priceless. The Big Time everyone. Top flight football is now The Big Time. Baseball forever in the States has been referred to as 'The Show', if you're not in The Show, you're nobody.

I was relieved to find out that I'm not the only one who thinks that Harry Redknapp is somewhat of an irritation. Paul Wilson in the Observer makes some good points about 'Arry.

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